On average, more than eight million people fly daily. This number continues to go up, even with the safety challenges of many airlines. So, with the increasing need for technology, inseat AC power is helpful in offering passengers the ability to charge all electronic devices throughout a flight.

Billions of People in The Air

In 2013, there were about 3.1 total billion passengers, the first time that number had ever gone above three billion. All of these people would like to have access to different entertainment options like in flight video. Even more than in-flight entertainment that may be offered directly within the aircraft, the ability to use electronic devices can be even more applicable today. For that reason there is much to gain from different power sources within a plane for the passengers who choose to use their devices throughout a flight. Some of these include:

  • Inseat USB systems
  • Inseat AC power
  • Inseat power supply systems
  • Airline power outlets
  • Airline plug adapter
  • Airplane power outlets

Hundreds of Billions Spent in The Air

Direct spending by domestic and international travelers in the United States averages about $2.5 million daily, which narrows down to over $29,000 per second. Given the 78% of leisure trips that are taken within the United States. In addition, direct spending on leisure travel by both domestic and international travelers reached very near $645 billion in 2014. With all of this, there is much to consider for those who are looking for complete entertainment and leisure in their trips. This makes the flight

In-Flight Entertainment

Many different reviews have evaluated the need for in flight entertainment, especially with the different ones that may offer aircraft display systems and others where entertainment is shown directly. Then, there are other surveys that have shown that aircrafts provide access to power and WiFi for the use of your own electronic devices. As of 2013, almost 40% of travelers considered an iPad to be essential to in-flight entertainment. Additionally, over half of travelers use smartphones during flights for status alerts and updates throughout the trip. With any of these devices used throughout a long flight, there is the need for a plug of some sort, along with the use of inseat AC power being helpful.

So, when thinking about the entertainment needs of travelers, it seems to all be centered around the use of electronic devices. Additionally, there are many different types of entertainment that are key to travelers while they make their way through the air. Between movies, reading, and sleeping 41% of airline passengers choose to watch movies, 21% choose to read, and 17% choose to sleep. While this does not necessarily require inset AC power, there is much to gain from the ability to keep a device like your smartphone or tablet charged during a long flight if you are watching movies or reading books online.

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