There are a variety of reasons why Americans love to go camping. Whether they enjoy being in nature or engaging in outdoor activities, camping is one of the most popular recreational activities in the United States. While some people camp out in their backyard, others put up a tent at a favorite campground or stay in their recreational vehicles.
There are so many fun activities to experience at different types of campgrounds. Nearly half of the campers that participated in one of the more recent “Campfire Canvass” surveys stated that they went camping for the sheer joy that this activity brings. In addition to just relaxing, 87% of campers enjoyed multiple activities. These activities may usually include fishing and hiking.
When people go camping, some prefer specific types of campgrounds over others. The “Campfire Canvass” survey found that over 40% of the participating adults stayed at state park campgrounds. The second most popular place to camp for 14% of the adult participants was national campgrounds. Camping at local park campgrounds was the third most popular site for ten percent of the adult campers.
Many campers will borrow, rent, or purchase recreational vehicles to go camping. According to the “Campfire Canvass” survey, many campers used these recreational vehicles more often than usual. When they were asked the main reason for this, they provided the following information:
- They enjoyed being able to get away more often: 64%
- They liked being able to spend more quality time with their family: 47%
- They wanted to escape stress: 44%
- They wanted to travel less expensively: 42%
- They enjoyed being able to get away without planning in advance: 38%
While 63% of campers will stay at campgrounds that are within 150 miles of their home, the remainder will travel further distances. It’s not unusual for some campers to explore different campgrounds each time they go camping. Whether they sleep in a bivy, cabin, recreational vehicle, tent, or yurt, people tend to go camping for an average of 14.9 days.
Since camping is such a popular activity, many campers will make advanced reservations. This was the case with 43% of the campers that participated in the “Campfire Canvass” survey. Other campers, or 34%, didn’t register for a space in advance. It’s not unusual for some campers, such as recreational vehicle enthusiasts, to be make spontaneous decisions to go on a camping trip.
Whether Americans choose to “rough it” or stay at campgrounds with cabins and other amenities, there are so many options available. Since camping can be enjoyable for the entire family, it’s no wonder that it’s one of the most popular outdoor activities.