Family camping trips are some of the most popular around the United States. Every year, millions of families take to the nation’s many campgrounds and have a great time. If you have young children and are interested in taking them on a camping trip, there are some things to get them ready. When you start planning your vacation, take some time to check out camping websites.
- Get the kids ready, There are a lot of ways you can do that. This starts with involving planning your trip. Going over different camping websites with them will make them feel more connected to the trip. While it is true that most people prefer tent camping, that is not your only option. You can look into campgrounds with cabins. Make this decision with your kids.
- Prepare them for the actual trip. This can take a number of forms. You can read books about camping with your kids. You can do a trial run in your backyard. If your children have problems with the dark, you can get portable night lights. Even glow sticks can be great for this purpose.
- Plan all of your meals. Hungry campers are never happy campers. Plan for three meals a day and some healthy snacks. You can pre-prepare some of your foods while you are still at home. You can cut up your vegetables and precook your potatoes. The more of that you can do before you head out for your camping vacations, the better. Trail mix is always a good option for a healthy snack.
- Bring enough water. When you are looking at the different camping websites, check to see what kinds of water they provide. You will be active on your trip and will need more water than you normally need when you are at home. Experts say that by the time you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated so it is important to drink water before you start to be thirsty.
- Label everything. Once things are packed into their different containers, they can be hard to tell apart. You do not want to find yourself at your campground and confuse your skin cream for your toothpaste. Labeling everything you take with you will help you avoid that.
- Lists are your friends. When you travel with children, you have a lot you will bring with you. Making lists can help you not forget to pack something they really need. It is far too easy to leave home without an essential items but drafting up lists can help prevent this problem from happening on your family camping trip. It may seem like a pain to put together your lists but you will be glad that you did when you are on your trip and have everything you need.
- Be prepared for rain and other bad weather. No matter how hard you plan and how organized you are when you are making the plans for your camping trip, rain may happen. Bring games with you and you can even make some up. Talk to the people at the campgrounds about their recommendations for what to do if you do have some bad weather hit while you are at your campground. You may want to look at what the campground recommends on the camping websites. You should also bring some of the books that your kids like. A deck of cards is always a good idea. Even if there is no bad weather, bringing some toys and balls can make your trip a lot more fun.
- Bring and use sunscreen. When you are out on the water, even when the day is hazy, you need to wear sunscreen. Many family camping trips have been ruined by a bad case of sunscreen. You need to make sure you reapply it throughout the day. While you are at it, bring along some aloe vera to help when you do get a sunburn in your group. There are brands of aloe that will put lidocaine in it so you should try to get that.
Family camping trips can get your children interested in a more healthy lifestyle that includes spending time outdoors. This is also a great way to create fun, family memories.