When you are in Hawaii, there are many companies that offer helicopter tours of the islands. There is also a big market for the freight helicopter that goes from island to island. When you hire a tour company, the helicopter function is to be your touring vehicle. Depending on the helicopter seating capacity, you can have your entire family or friend group in the helicopter for the tour. The standard tour takes you over the volcanic areas so that you can see the lava flowing out to the sea.


Your vehicle may stop once in a while with the helicopter running so that you can see special parts of the island or walk around near the lava fields. Your helicopter may use Sikorsky helicopter parts to keep it in good condition. The amazing sights in the Hawaiian islands are sights that you can’t see anywhere else in the world. They are amazing to see, and your helicopter ride will let you get to sights that you wouldn’t be able to get that close to if you were on the ground. The helicopter keeps you safely away from the heat and gasses that are coming out of the earth in the volcanic areas.

Hawaii helicopter tours are some of the most unforgettable and breathtaking in the world. If you are looking for Hawaii vacation ideas, then this is something you definitely need to add to your list. The views are something you will remember forever, and the verdant islands are even more gorgeous from the air. When visiting any of the islands, a tour like this should be near the top of your to-do list; however, before you start looking up tour companies, here are a few tips you should keep in mind!

Five Tips For The Best Helicopter Sightseeing Adventure

While making out your Hawaii vacation ideas list, here are a few tour tips to remember:

  • Seating. Many helicopter tours either have four to six seats for passengers and depending on the type of helicopter you’re touring in, there are a few seats that make for the best views. If your helicopter has six seats, it’s a general rule Hawaii helicopter tours are some of the most unforgettable and breathtaking in the world. If you are looking for Hawaii vacation ideas, then this is something you definitely need to add to your list. The views are something you will remember forever, and the verdant islands are even more gorgeous from the air. When visiting any of the islands, a tour like this should be near the top of your to-do list; however, before you start looking up tour companies, here are a few tips you should keep in mind
    • Time Of Day. Another important thing to keep in mind while booking is the time of day. Both late morning and early afternoon offer the best lighting for seeing the island without shadows. This helps accentuate all of the beautiful colors and make for a truly spectacular sightseeing opportunity.
    • Time During The Trip. When planning your Hawaii vacation ideas list, put a helicopter tour near the top. It’s advised that you take the tour early in your trip so that you can get a good look at the island, and help to better orient yourself. You may also be able to spot locations you’ll want to visit on foot that you otherwise wouldn’t have known about otherwise.
    • Photographs. If you’re planning on taking photographs, and you probably are, remember to wear dark clothing on your tour. Darker colors won’t reflect onto the widows potentially ruining shots. If your helicopter doesn’t have doors, it’s also smart to make sure your camera has a neck strap just to prevent accidental drops! Most importantly, while a few snapshots are great, remember not to spend the whole trip looking through the view finder. The memories experienced first hand are always better than photographs saved in a scrapbook.
    • Motion Sickness. If you’re like me and experience motion sickness from nearly anything that moves, I recommend using Dramamine or sea bands to mitigate the problem. It is worth noting that helicopter rides are usually very smooth overall, so even if you do experience sickness, it shouldn’t affect you terribly with or without precautions.

      When making out your Hawaii vacation ideas list, make sure a helicopter tour is included near the top. Not only is it an unforgettable experience, but it can help you orient yourself on the island. If you can, I strongly urge you to take the opportunity to embark on this one of a kind sightseeing journey.

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